Автор оригинала Э. Дейес
Акватинта, . 416х530; 383х498
Внизу под изображением слева: Days del.t; справа: Jukes Aq.t; чуть ниже в два столбца: CANTERBURY. The Cathedral seen in this View, is said to be originally founded by Lucius, the first, Christian King of the Britons. It was made a Cathedral Monastery by S.t Augustine Ann. 600, and is the first Episcopal Church of the Saxon Christians. It is now a Stupendous and Magnificent pile of Buildings, in the Gothic taste, Rebuilt and improved at various times & ages. The City was walled about the Year 600, and had seven Gates. The Monastery (represented in this View) was founded in 605 and dedicated to S.t Augustine Anno 987./ VUË DE CANTERBURY. La Cathédrale représentée dans cette vuë, fut dit on, fondée par Lucius, premier Roi crétien des Bretons: S.t Augustin en fit une Monastére en l'an 600. C'est la premiére Eglise Episcopal des Saxons cretiens; & á present c'est un superbe et magnifique monument de l'Architecture gothique, rébalie et augmenté en divers tems. En l'an 600 la Ville étoit entourée d'un mur, et avoit sept portes; la monastére fut fondée Anno 605 et dediée a S.t Augustine en 987.
У края оттиска: London. Pub.d Jan.y 31 1790 by F. Jukes Engraver, Howland Street.
Происхождение: Румянцевский музей (Москва); в ГМИИ с 1924
Инв. Г–15274